
Nearly Services

When searching for new retail, office or other commercial spaces to lease, companies invest significant dollars into tenant improvements tailored specifically for their business needs. Yet many overlook the prime opportunity tenant improvements (TIs) also offer to immerse customers and employees into their unique brand identity the moment they walk through the doors. Our team at Innovative Touch guides businesses to seamlessly blend functional layouts with customized branding elements when renovating tenant spaces in the Everett area.

Specialized commercial tenant improvement contractor offering tailored solutions for enhancing and optimizing commercial spaces to meet the unique needs of tenants.
Defining Your Brand Design Toolkit 
Before determining how to intertwine your brand identity throughout a new leased space, clearly define its components. Your brand style should revolve around identifiers like:
• Logos: Key logo with specific colors and fonts  
• Core Color Palette: Signature vibrant or muted tones  
• Supporting Patterns, Prints & Textures: Complimentary graphical elements or background textures reinforcing the aesthetics 
• Approved Imagery Style: Representative photos conveying your service, products or culture
Catalog all components in a style guide toolkit for reference. For a pet supply retailer client moving into a new tenant space, we asked for their logo, trademark piercing teal and aqua tones, fun pet pattern prints and the vibrant imagery direction to inform finishing design details.
Strategic Touchpoints for Brand Integration 
While a tenant improvement retrofit focuses first on configuring functional spaces, look for tactical opportunities to weave in branding. Especially highlight brand identity at key customer and employee touchpoints throughout the floorplan. Ideal touchpoints include:
• Entryway & Storefront: Welcome visitors with eye catching manifests featuring logos and taglines.
• Reception: Greet guests against a brand-centric statement wall showcasing signature art and photography.  
• Key Thoroughfares: Apply wayfinding graphics along primary circulation routes to reinforce brand recognition.
• Communal Hubs: Adorn breakroom or lounge zones where people congregate with custom prints and subtle textures nodding to brand style. 
• Sample Settings: Showcase products or services within experience vignettes touched with brand accents through décor items sourced from your product lines.
For our pet supply client, we created a vibrant statement wall at reception with their logo, pulled teal paint tones throughout communal areas and designed tactile display alcoves with pet beds and toys from their inventories underscoring the brand vision.
Telling Your Story 
Tenant improvements enable not just tailoring the functionality to business operations but also relaying your unique brand story. Through artful graphics, strategic signage and display accents, the space can inform customers and staff alike what the company stands for. Some storytelling ideas include: 
• Infographic Timelines: Illustrate key milestones conveying company history and values. 
• Culture Vignettes: Depict employees or customers interacting to highlight company culture.   
• Merchandise Spotlights: Curate product assortments conveying quality and selection strengths.  
• Testimonials & Reviews: Public endorsements reinforce trust and credibility.
Our pet supply retailer creatively tackled storytelling by outlining their local roots and community commitments through a boutique timeline mural. To relay their product range breadth, we constructed a focal display alcove tiering toys, foods and gear conveying one-stop shop conveniences with knowledgeable service. 
Let our Innovative Touch team strategically incorporate your signature brand identity within upcoming tenant improvement projects. We’ll tailor finishes, fixtures, graphic accents and display enhancements to reinforce your unique branding, welcoming visitors and staff into spaces undeniably conveying your specialized business atmosphere.

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