
Nearly Services


Clogged and slow-running drains are a common problem in most homes. While it's easy to ignore minor drain issues or reach for chemical drain cleaners, regular drain maintenance is essential for preventing major blockages, overflowing drains, and potential damage in your plumbing system. As a homeowner, implementing a regular drain cleaning routine can save you time, money, and headaches down the road. Read on to learn why consistent drain care is so important.

Why Drain Cleaning Matters:

Prevents Blockages and Backups - Regular drain cleaning helps remove built-up gunk, hair, grease, and other debris before it can accumulate and cause a clog. Small drain clogs can easily turn into complete blockages if left unaddressed. By keeping your drains free-flowing, you prevent backups that can cause water overflow into your home.

Saves Money 

Stopping small drain problems before they become huge issues can save you a lot of money in the long run. Minor drain cleaning costs very little compared to hydro jetting services or complete drain replacements needed after major clogs and backups.

Avoids Damage 

Overflowing drains can cause water damage to floors, walls, and other areas of your home. Tree roots or cracked pipes that go unnoticed because of clogged drains can also lead to very costly repairs. Staying on top of your drains helps spot issues early.

Improves Drain Function 

 Grime, buildup, and sediment accumulation can slow your drains. Regular cleaning keeps drains clear for proper water flow.

Reduces Risk of Pests 

Clogged drains with standing water can attract pests and bugs. Routinely cleaning your drains helps remove debris that pests feed on and eliminates sources of standing water.

Prevents Sewage Backflow  

Drain line clogs can sometimes cause sewage to back up and bubble out of sink and tub drains. This is a health hazard that regular cleaning helps avoid.

Maintains Plumbing System 

Like other features of your home, routine maintenance keeps your plumbing system working properly and extends its lifespan. Regular drain care is a key part of responsible plumbing maintenance.

How Often to Clean Drains:

Most experts recommend cleaning sinks, showers, and tub drains at least once per month. Kitchen sink drains should be cleaned even more frequently, ideally once a week or biweekly. This regular cleaning interval prevents buildup from forming and catching debris.

Many factors can influence your ideal drain cleaning schedule. Homes with lots of residents, kids, or hair may need more frequent drain care. If you start to notice drains slowing, it's a sign to clean them.

Tips for Easy Drain Cleaning:

Use a plastic hair snake monthly to pull out collected hair and gunk - it's quick and easy!

Pour 1⁄2 cup baking soda down drains, followed by 1⁄2 cup vinegar - the chemical reaction breaks up grease and debris.

Use a wire coat hanger to hook and dislodge clogs.

Boil water to carefully pour down especially sluggish drains.

Invest in a monthly drain maintenance kit.

For serious backup issues, call a professional plumber for hydro jetting services.

Drain Cleaning Methods:

There are several methods and products homeowners can use to clean their drains:

Baking Soda and Vinegar - As mentioned, using these pantry staples is a simple DIY method. The baking soda and vinegar react and bubble, loosening clogs. Flush with hot water.

Enzyme Drain Cleaners - Enzyme cleaners break down organic matter like grease, fat, hair, and food scraps that accumulate in drains. They are safer for pipes than harsh chemical cleaners.

Plungers - The suction created by traditional sink plungers can dislodge mild clogs. Expandable closet augers pushed into drains also push through debris.

Salt and Baking Soda - Pour 1⁄2 cup salt down the drain followed by 1⁄2 cup baking soda and a teakettle of boiling water to scrub away buildup.

Drain Snakes - Feed a metal drain snake into the drainpipe to hook, grab, and pull up clogs. Plastic zip-it style snakes also grab hair.

Hydro Jetting - Plumbers use high-pressure water jets to scour drain piping and remove stubborn blockages. This is best for major clogs.

Problems Requiring a Plumber:

While many drain clogs can be cleared with regular maintenance and DIY methods, some situations do require calling in a professional plumber:

Multiple drains are clogged throughout your home, indicating a main sewer line blockage.

You have a serious sewage backup with flooding beyond one fixture.

DIY drain cleaning attempts fail to open the clog.

The clog is very deep in your pipes.

Drain problems keep recurring and worsening.

You need pipes inspected for cracks or collapsed areas.

Accessing drain pipes requires drywall removal you don't want to tackle.

Take Home Message:

Like other areas of your home, drains require regular care and maintenance. By implementing a consistent drain cleaning routine, you can avoid major clogging issues, property damage, and expensive plumbing repairs. Just a small amount of effort each month goes a long way towards ensuring a problem-free plumbing system. Keep your drains free of backups, and your home safe from water overflow and backups with simple, regular drain cleaning.

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